Flashback to the 1st Regional Conference on Climate and Environmental Protection for Rochlitz, Seelitz and Wechselburg

On 21 May 2022, almost 40 participants met at the Geopark Porphyrland in Rochlitz for a regional conference on climate and environmental protection topics organised by the Geopark Porphyrland and the Green Regulars’ Table from Rochlitz. The first part of the conference focused on the presentation of best practice examples and model projects. Then, in the second part of the conference, the participants had the opportunity to talk in three moderated forums on the topics of ‘regional added value’, ‘climate-friendly mobility’ and ‘greening vs. climate change’, to describe problems and to discuss solutions and ideas. In his speech, Wolfram Günther, Minister of State for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture in Saxony and patron of this regional conference, motivated the participants to network at the municipal and civic level and to make use of the political instruments provided for change processes. Further information on the regional conference can be found HERE.

Minister of State Wolfram Günther during his speech on climate protection in Saxony | Copyright: Geopark Porphyrland
Dr. Martin Benedict leads out to the ERZmobil of the town of Zwönitz | Copyright: Geopark Porphyrland
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