ZENAPA stands for “Zero Emission Nature Protection Areas” and already expresses the project goal of CO2e neutral large-scale protected areas in the project name. ZENAPA not only aims to make a measurable contribution to climate, nature and species protection, but also to demonstrate that these protection goals are not contradicting each other and can be achieved in a cooperative manner.

The essential requirement and goal is the implementation of national and Europe-wide climate protection goals, taking into account national and European biodiversity and bio-economic strategies. ZENAPA is funded as an Integrated Project (IP) in the “Climate” sub-programme of the EU funding programme for environment, nature conservation and climate policy “LIFE”.


Climate protection

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the use of regional potentials in large-scale protected areas



Protection and restoration of ecosystem services



More ``value`` per hectare through sustainable land management



The fact that energy system transformation and climate protection can also have an impact on biodiversity and nature conservation has become increasingly clear in recent years. Life-IP ZENAPA takes up this area of tension, makes the connection visible and seeks solutions as to how climate, nature and species protection can be reconciled with the energy system transformation.



Investment measures, campaigns and complementary measures are coordinated in the ZENAPA project in the fields of renewable energies, energy efficiency, mobility, education, land use, strategic plans, innovative technologies and new financing structures by a local Climate Change Manager.



16 project partners each have an individual action plan, which has to be implemented during the project period. Climate Change Managers coordinate the implementation on site.
Their tasks include the targeted development of regional competencies, for example through workshops and events. Intensive public relations work promotes awareness raising among all actors and stakeholders.

Project Partners

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